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RECIPE - Indian Spiced Omelette Wrap

I am on a constant mission to find new ways to eat eggs. Once I realised they were the key to powering me through my mid-morning munchies they have become an almost daily ritual. Hard to believe that not so long ago we were being advised to eat just one egg a week! Happily, those days are long gone, and I honestly don’t think you’ll find a more sensational way to eat them than this, so let’s get cracking!


KITCHEN TIME: 10 mins prep, 5 mins cooking


1 tsp light olive oil

2 spring onions, sliced

1 tomato, diced

½ red pepper, diced

4 eggs, whisked in a bowl

½ tsp cumin

½ tsp turmeric

Sea salt

Black pepper

PREP TIP: You can chop up the veggies and whisk up the eggs with the spices the night before. Keep in Tupperwares in the fridge overnight ready to spring into action the next morning.


Add the cumin and turmeric to the whisked eggs and combine well. Bring a large, non-stick pan to a medium heat and add the oil. Sauté the spring onion, tomato and red pepper for 1-2 minutes, just to soften. Remove from the pan to a bowl. Now add half the egg mixture to form a layer over the base of the pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper to season. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then loosen from the pan with a turner and flip over to cook lightly on the other side for 30 seconds. Remove the egg wrap to a plate and make a second egg wrap with the remainder of the eggs. Divide the veggie mixture between the two wraps, roll up and cut in half to serve.

SERVING TIP: A blob of Greek yogurt and a few chilli flakes are great additions to your wrap.

Click here for a printable version of this recipe

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