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I love a portmanteau word, in fact many of my recipe titles include them and bananacado, what’s not to love? It’s one of my rules in life – never trust anyone who doesn’t love avocado - well OK I do have one friend who doesn’t like them but I won’t hold that against her! This is the perfect post-workout pick-me-up; bananas for energy, avo for good fats and cinnamon for a digestive boost.
1 ripe banana, peeled, chopped and frozen (if you don’t have a frozen one add a few crushed ice cubes)
½ a ripe avocado, stoned, peeled and chopped
100ml semi-skimmed milk or milk of choice
½ tsp ground cinnamon
PREP TIP: This works best with frozen bananas so next time you’ve got a couple of manky overripe ones in the fruit bowl peel them, chop them up and pop in a Tupperware in the freezer ready to break out when it’s smoothie time.
METHOD: Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend well, increasing the speed, for 1-2 minutes until the banana is completely incorporated.
SERVING TIP: A glass would be good!