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Didn’t She Do Well? Jodi’s Week 4 Summary & Final Weigh-in

Jodi looking radiant and a few pounds lighter!!

Hasn’t that gone quickly? I can’t quite believe we are already at the end of the Midlife Method 4-Week programme, but, as I say in the book, it’s not the end, rather the beginning of a new food and health mindset!

It’s been so helpful to have Jodi road-test the plan this month because, whilst I can sit here and tell you that the Midlife Method works until I’m blue in the face, the proof of the pudding is in the eating! So, on that rather ironic note, let’s catch up with Jodi …

I seem to have found this week really easy, which was an unexpected surprise. I can't believe it's been 4 full weeks. Because I wasn't yet in my happy weight range, I stuck to the 3 light days this week as suggested for week 4 - I did Mon/Tues Light Days, Weds Regular Day, Thurs Light Day, Fri/Sat/Sun Regular Days. [That’s exactly as I have it laid out in the book and I suggest that if you haven’t quite lost all the weight you want to within the 4-Week Plan that you carry on with that format until you have. – Sam]

I've not craved snacks and sweet food so much this week. I'm pretty sure some of that was hormonal in Week 3. [Yes, as mentioned in last week’s post, Week 3 does tend to be the hardest and often the ‘plateau’ week. Hormones can come into play at any point in the month though, so be prepared for that. When the cravings come on, double down on the tips for healthy snacking in the book p42/43. – Sam]

Raspberry and Apple Cake with a dollop of Greek yogurt

Recipe-wise, the biggest hit this week was the Spinach & Parmesan Crustless Quiche (p154). So, so, so good. And the Salmon Tray Bake with Pak Choy and Noodles (p228) I was looking forward to was every bit as tasty as I'd hoped. I even baked a cake on Saturday, The Apple & Raspberry Cake (p246). [As I say on repeat, eating well doesn’t have to mean deprivation and tasteless ‘diet’ food. Quite the opposite. For weight management to be sustainable there has to be room for the things we love to eat, albeit more in moderation as we get older! I mean, is life really worth living without cheese/wine/cake (delete as appropriate!)? – Sam]

I hit a low mood on Thursday when it was announced that there would be no school until 8th March, so no relaxing of the lockdown for another 40 days. I thought this might cause me to flick the "f**k-it" switch and dive headfirst into the biscuit barrel, washed down with a gallon of wine. But instead, turns out it just made me more determined than ever to look after myself, to eat healthily and to keep exercising. [Music to my ears. What has happened is exactly what I wanted the Midlife Method to achieve, to reset those really ingrained habits we have around food and health. I’m really, really hopeful Jodi, that this new mindset will be permanent. It’s exactly what happened to me eight years ago and it's why I wrote the book because it felt like a light-bulb moment. I’ve stayed the same weight ever since but still enjoy all the food I love (and you know how much I love wine!) – Sam]

Jodi, fab at 50!

So to the million-dollar question. Have I lost weight? YES! I weighed in at the start of the 4 weeks at 8st 12 and this morning I was 8st 4! [Amazing Jodi. Given you are 5’0”, 8 lbs is absolutely incredible. I say in the book that you should expect a 5-7lb loss over the four weeks, so you’ve smashed it. We are all individuals so the rate of loss will vary from person to person. It also depends on how much you have to lose to start with and how closely you stick to the plan. Healthy weight loss is slow and steady, any regime that promises rapid weight loss is not going to be sustainable in the long term. – Sam]

I have hit my "happy weight range" which was 7st 11 to 8st 4, but as I’m at the top end of the range, I'll stick to 3 Light Days until I've got a few pounds of wriggle room. And to be honest, the Light Days aren't that difficult when I'm so busy at work. It also really helps when I've planned ahead so healthy meals are quickly and easily at hand. [Great to hear! Yes, stick to the 3 Light Days and then when you have reached your goal switch to 1-2 Light Days for maintenance. If you flick to p273 in the book I have a few more words to say about maintenance which might be helpful. – Sam]

So, what new habits will I take away from my four-week Midlife Method experiment?

  1. Weekly meal planning. Huge time saver and domestic stress reliever!

  2. Cumin, turmeric, chilli, a dash of oil and some lemon juice will make ANYTHING taste great (even the sad-looking bits of frozen cod I excavated from the depths of my freezer)

  3. Putting a litre bottle of water on my desk every work morning so I keep up with drinking more water

  4. Espresso coffees. Turns out I really like them. So I won't go back to latte

  5. When I fancy a bit of cake...I'll have some cake! I just have to not eat ALL of the cake

Couldn’t have put it better myself. Thanks Jodi, you’ve been the perfect Midlife Method guinea pig!

Sam x

P.S. I’d love to hear about your experiences so far with the Midlife Method. You can message me on Instagram @midlifekitchen or contact me HERE.

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